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Also remember, that you can add with-readline ( for convenience.


1 point by palsecam 5675 days ago | link

Thanks Thr4wn, but isn't ``with-readline'' +/- the same thing than ``rlwrap''? Does ``with-readline'' have something extra?

(rlwrap is used here in the shell launcher)


Has anyone else found some way to have a makeshift backtrace? I've thought of a couple ideas that _might_ work...

Is there any way to at least (by function call) preform a break, because whenever mzscheme recieves a SIGINT, it does provide at least a basic backtrace. If there is a way to call a break, then I think I could wrap averything around an 'on-err that would cause a break (not to be confused with causing a system _to_ break :) ).

Or is there any way to return an ID for the running thread? because maybe I could use 'break-thread. (or maybe for debugging I'll always just run my functions inside a new thread so that I can break them by function call, but this is starting to sound like an annoying hack)


2 points by almkglor 6135 days ago | link

None yet. You could hack on ac.scm on Anarki to add the function to get the current thread ID.
