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4 points by curi 5745 days ago | link | parent | on: Arc Logo

it's hard to see the difference between the black and the blue in the top left when it's small.

i would never have guessed what it was.

i don't hate it though. just looks like some colors. seems reasonably recognizable. shrug.


3 points by pg 5745 days ago | link

A logo doesn't have to look the same at every size, just fairly good at every size. Nor do the references have to be obvious; e.g. the arrow in the Fedex logo.


9 points by curi 6220 days ago | link | parent | on: New version

why not change x!y to x.'y ? seems a bit easier to remember, saves ! for something else. dunno if there's a parsing problem with it.


7 points by pg 6220 days ago | link

Hmm, never thought of that. I'll consider it.


3 points by mattjones 6220 days ago | link

What if x.y!z expanded to ((x y) z)? Then if x were '(1 2 (3 4) 5), x.2!1 would give you 4. If (x 1 3) did work like cut, then you could do x.1.3!1!1, which would also give 4 in this case.
