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Someone on another thread pointed out that if you want to run the arc server on port 9090 instead of 8080 you just say:

(asv 9090)




arc> (list) ()

On another thread I asked why this does not return nil. Someone responded that () and nil are two ways of saying the same thing.


Arc's form of let does not accept an extra pair of parentheses:

arc> (let ((x 2)) (+ x 3)) Error: "Can't understand fn arg list 2"

But: arc> (let x 1 (+ x (* x 2))) results in 3


arc> (let x 2 (+ x 3)) results in 5


1 point by goodbyejim 6231 days ago | link | parent | on: Possible Bug With Web Lib

Where do you get html.arc ?


arc> (cdr '(a)) nil

which in regular scheme would return () . This is has the effect of reducing the number of parentheses, which is a good thing.


1 point by goodbyejim 6232 days ago | link | parent | on: Minor nit in blog.arc

Where did you find blog.arc? I cannot find it on this website.


Interesting. I wonder why Dybvig used the wordier way to do it.


2 points by tjr 6232 days ago | link

Not sure. Could be because the wordier approach more clearly states what is going on, and makes it easier to understand anonymous lambda expressions later on?


The reciprical function in the middle of pg 15 becomes:

arc> (def reciprocal(n) (if (is n 0) "oops!" (/ 1 n)) )

which again reduces the number of keywords and pairs of braces by one, because there is no longer a need to state that what follows def is a lambda.

That makes sense. What else would it be?
