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-1 points by newguy 6213 days ago | link | parent | on: NewLISP anyone?

"...if one of the newLisp guys wants to prove me wrong," No, first you have to prove yourself right.

"...they appear intentionally misleading..." Intentionally? How so?

"...they still refer to these hacks as `closures'." Cite please. And "hacks"? What if I called you a jerk?


9 points by Jekyll 6213 days ago | link

>No, first you have to prove yourself right.

Can't prove a negative, but I've already explained why I think I'm right.

>Intentionally? How so?

When they claim to fake closures with contexts, they're wrong. Now they're either confused or trying to confuse other people.

>Cite please.

"In newLISP lexical state-full closures are not realized using lambda closures but using lexical namespaces."

It's the first hit on google for `newlisp closure'.

>What if I called you a jerk?

I would be immediately converted to newlisp by the strength of your arguments and the size of your e-penis.
