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1 point by robbie 6229 days ago | link | parent | on: Multi-var function literal shorthand

"... the interpreter already knows that _2 is the second anonymous parameter to the function literal, without parsing the "2" token."

it could be the third parameter.


1 point by are 6229 days ago | link

We may be talking past each other.

I'm just saying that if you have several anonymous parameters in the parameter list of the function literal, it is just as well that you represent them with the same token _within the parameter list_. The parameter list is ordered, so the interpreter knows which is which anyway. If you then want to refer to one of the anonymous parameters _outside of the parameter list_, you use a token WITH an index, to identify the position of the particular anonymous parameter in the parameter list.


1 point by Xichekolas 6229 days ago | link

I thought the whole point of the bracketed function literal syntax was that you don't have a parameter list...
