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You mean redefine the reader and have reader macros?


1 point by jonnytran 5896 days ago | link

No, I think what people are getting at is... why does program source have to be represented by only ASCII text? After all, if code is data, an IDE is just a data editor, where that data happens to be code.

I think it has been shown many times throughout history that notation matters. In fact, the entire concept of Arc is based on this principle. Otherwise, Common Lisp would be suitable.


1 point by justsomeone 5891 days ago | link

Why does it have to be ASCII? No reason, The simplest answer may just be that the language writer feels that adding UTF-8, or UTF-16, support would be a waste of their time, or is below them. As for programming IN the language, it becomes a matter of what is easy for the programmer to type. In a way, this whole thing is a matter of deciding what is the lowest common denominator that one wants to support.


2 points by zitterbewegung 6065 days ago | link | parent | on: Show and Tell:

How do you parse the rss feeds?


2 points by antiismist 6065 days ago | link

That part is a big hack...I have a ruby script that generates an s-expr of the feed, and work from that:

       (each i (read (tostring (system (string "ruby bench.rb " r!url))))
           (add-post (alref i 'title) (alref i 'link) r!league))


2 points by zitterbewegung 6064 days ago | link

There is a function (xml->xexpr) in PLT scheme which could also generate an s-expr of the rss feed.


1 point by antiismist 6064 days ago | link

I had trouble figuring it out ...

If you had a URL for an RSS feed, how would you get an s-expr containing all the links and titles in the items?


9 points by zitterbewegung 6208 days ago | link | parent | on: Arc2.tar

Does this version still require PLT scheme v352?


4 points by pg 6207 days ago | link

We're still using 352, yes, but it may work on later versions.


1 point by Jesin 6184 days ago | link

I'm using mzscheme 360, and it seems to work for me.
