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1 point by CatDancer 5713 days ago | link | parent

There are some amusing moments that happen when I work on the porting project... here's the Arc compiler, running as normal in plt3:

  > (ac '(fn () 3) '())
  (lambda () 3)
and the Arc compiler running in a module where I forgot to import unquote and unquote-splicing:

  > (ac '(fn () 3) '())
  (lambda ,(let ((a (ac-denil args))) (if (eqv? a 'nil) '() a))
    ,@(ac-body* body (append (ac-arglist args) env)))
The fix (import unquote and unquote-splicing) was both obvious and simple once I figured it out, but in the meantime I was quite bemused: how did I manage to do that?! :-)