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5 points by absz 5686 days ago | link | parent

Almost line-for-line:

  (def brackify (openb closeb)
    [+ openb _ closeb])
  (= rbrackify (brackify "(" ")"))
  (= cbrackify (brackify "{" "}"))
  (= sbrackify (brackify "[" "]"))
  arc> (rbrackify "adm")
  arc> (cbrackify "adm")
I suppose you could also write a macro, but I wouldn't bother:

  (def brackify (openb closeb)
    [+ openb _ closeb])
  (mac defbrackify (name open close)
    `(= ,name (brackify ,open ,close)))
  (defbrackify rbrackify "(" ")")
  (defbrackify cbrackify "{" "}")
  (defbrackify sbrackify "[" "]")
  arc> (rbrackify "adm")
  arc> (cbrackify "adm")

6 points by rntz 5686 days ago | link

The multiple '=s are unnecessary:

    (= rbrackify (brackify "(" ")")
       cbrackify (brackify "{" "}")
       sbrackify (brackify "[" "]"))


2 points by twilightsentry 5679 days ago | link

What about a macro something like:

  (mac =map (f . args)
    `(= ,@(mappend (fn ((v . xs))
                     `(,v (,f ,@xs)))

  (=map brackify
    (rbrackify "(" ")")
    (cbrackify "{" "}")
    (sbrackify "[" "]"))


1 point by thaddeus 5685 days ago | link

can someone explain to me how the variable adm is being passed into the function when it's not accounted for in the functions input args ?

Also - anyone notice there's now vote down buttons on the forum?


4 points by absz 5685 days ago | link

The brackify function returns the closure [+ openb _ closeb]. The [... _ ...] notation means "construct an anonymous function of one argument, _"; it's the same as (fn (_) (... _ ...)). Thus, (brackify "(" ")") returns a function of one argument which, when called, surrounds its text with "()"; the text given is "adm".

The downvote buttons have been there for quite a while for me---you seem to have just broken 100 karma, so maybe it's because of that?


1 point by thaddeus 5685 days ago | link

I see - thanks. T.


1 point by adm 5686 days ago | link

