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2 points by jdvolz 6231 days ago | link | parent

I would think that Arc is not yet stable enough to use for large projects. I think that the missing module system is the major concern. I am not so concerned about unstructured data because it can be mitigated with access methods and because if you are properly creating your DSL it should be pretty obvious what is going on. Also, how big of a project would you have to have before you needed enough Arc to make it confusing? The language spec is < 5,000 lines of code.

1 point by carbon 6230 days ago | link

Ok, I can see that access methods is a solution of the problem of self-describeness of a program. Could you tell me if I am right doing it like this:

(get-title book)

(set-title book "New title")

(Book (title "Blabla") (authors ("Tom" "John")) (year 2008) )

Is it the way an expirienced Lisp programmer would do it?
