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2 points by absz 5678 days ago | link | parent

Anarki makes this easy (or it did last time I checked---this may not have been ported to Arc3, I don't recall):

  (require "ssyntaxes.arc")
  (= mac-dollar $)
    $ (L (sym r))
    $ mac-dollar)
(This is untested, mind you.) There's more about this on the fora somewhere, but I can't find it...

2 points by thaddeus 5678 days ago | link

I avoid using anarki - after finding numerous problems running code that works with the official pg branch. And trying to understand what anarki is doing to my code when there's little documentation - it's like having a brain seizure - noob style ;).

As a per example: ssyntax breaks 'exit-on-eof' ?

Anyway - I always try paruse anarki to learn from it since there are great code examples, but I am hesitant to jump on the anarki bandwagon.

Hoping I learn more by working through the code and trying to understand what's happening.

Thanks for the pointer though... T.


1 point by rntz 5678 days ago | link

There's a reason anarki has a stable branch. Of course, it's horribly out of date now, which is why I'm (still) working on porting some of the old arc2 anarki's more useful features to arc3, without the cruft. (The delays have mostly been caused by me dithering on what the best way of handling CatDancer's idea of keeping hacks separate is; I have most of the actual features I wanted to port done already.)


2 points by thaddeus 5678 days ago | link

Agreed, but if I was using anarki stable - I wouldn't have access to ssyntax.

My intent was not to disregard anarki or the work (which I know most appreciate) rather just to highlight my experiences.


2 points by rntz 5678 days ago | link

It hasn't been ported to arc3.

More accurately, a) I haven't ported it to arc3 and b) it hasn't shown up on anarki's arc3 branches last I checked. If anyone else has ported it, I'd be interested to know.


1 point by absz 5678 days ago | link

Good to know. I haven't done any Arc programming lately, but if I get back into it, I may take a look at the ssyntax.
