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2 points by tc-rucho 5667 days ago | link | parent

I'm also interested in doing graphics with Arc, but since using ffi seemed to be an overkill when it comes to opengl, I'm doing some IPC stuff in plain X (not the fastest but the easiest and most flexible to get going). I've thought of modding picolisp to work with arc natively, but I think it's not worth the effort right now, since any design decisions regarding unix integration and stuff are most likely to be trampled and disregarded silently by the vanilla branch (I already see many GOOD improvements in Anarki suffering this). I think I'd wait for arc to be more mature before attempting to write a compiler or interpreter from scratch.

2 points by palsecam 5667 days ago | link

> I'm doing some IPC stuff in plain X

X you mean! I don't understand here, but it's because I'm not a graphic guy and I've never understand (if you are effectively speaking about it).

Can you provide more explanations and/or some example code please? I'd be really glad to understand.

> I think it's not worth the effort right now, [...] most likely to be trampled and disregarded silently by the vanilla branch

+1, for the silently mainly. But don't get too frustrated, it will make you have heartburns and this is not good :-D, or yes get frustrated, but at least know you're not alone thinking this kind of thing


2 points by tc-rucho 5666 days ago | link


All the drawing is handled externally by... a drawing server which processes drawing requests from Arc. But it's not even in alpha state so I'm not releasing it yet. Also because I'm thinking in trashing it and start from scratch using opengl instead of xdraw and change the way it communicates with Arc.

But I'm too busy at the moment, it will have to be in my next holidays (roughly 4 or 5 months).


1 point by palsecam 5665 days ago | link

Ok thanks for the info. Will `man xdraw'. Client/server is such and old and great idea :-)


2 points by jcw 5667 days ago | link

That's an interesting idea, basing a c implementation of arc off of picolisp.
