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An example exchanging data via webservices in arc
4 points by thaddeus 5587 days ago | 2 comments
With the absence of documentation I thought it was worth sharing a rudementary example of exchanging data from one webserver to another using json, http-get and a few arc extensions. I believe those new to arc might appreciate examples.

  * pg's arc v3.1 
  * aw's json parser/combinator ->
  * stefano's? http-get/utils ->
This example also uses an extra intra-symbol that extends arcs special syntax and can be found here-> I am a big fan of arcs intra-symbols for table lookups. A while back I added a '$' symbol to convert a 'string' to a 'symbol' for lookup -> In this example I also added the '%' symbol to handle keys of type 'string' as created by the json combinator function 'fromjson'. You can skip this by using "." instead of "%" as long as you assign the names as strings, as to be resolved, prior to using the intra-symbol.

On Webserver # 1: A nested table and a webservice that outputs the table in json format. Example found here:

  (= author (obj 1 (obj name (obj first "Edgar" last "Poe"))
   	             2 (obj name (obj first "Farley" last "Mowat")) 
	             3 (obj name (obj first "Margaret" last "Atwood"))))

  (defop great-authors req 
    (pr:tojson author))

On Webserver # 2: A service accepting arguments 'first' and 'last' for names. It pulls data from Webserver # 1 then checks to see if the arguments exist. (can use to see result).

  (defop isgreatauthor req
    (with (fname (arg req "first")
           lname (arg req "last") 
           resultant "not found")
      (each (k v) (fromjson (cadr (get-request (str->url ""))))
        (if (and (is fname v%name%first)(is lname v%name%last))
            (= resultant "found")))
    (prn (string fname " " lname " was " resultant " in the great-author-db!"))))

1 point by thaddeus 5587 days ago | link

As a note the http-utils str->url has a reference to a function '1+' that probably exists in some other library? if you're using anarki. If not you may need to:

  (def 1+ (n)
    (+ n 1))


1 point by palsecam 5586 days ago | link

See 'inc in arc.arc (there is also '++).
