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Why is Arc built onMzScheme vs other Scheme implementations?
4 points by thaddeus 5549 days ago | 11 comments
Curious to know why mzscheme was chosen. From a performance perspective I would think Gambit would be a better choice. Or are there other reasons?

1 point by thaddeus 5547 days ago | link

Anyone notice that titling on postings are being modified by the program or something else?

Seriously - Originally I had thought it was just me, but I am noticing this more now.

Even google cache proves it's been changed:

used to be:

'Why is arc built on mzscheme vs other scheme implementations'


1 point by fallintothis 5547 days ago | link

I imagine it's the same as editors (e.g., pg, though I'd guess there are others) can change titles, usually to correct grammar. Not as much headline-editorializing can happen in a forum such as this (versus news.yc), so titles probably get edited less here.


1 point by thaddeus 5547 days ago | link

I think that's an incredibly bad idea, particularly when 'they' are not improving the data.


1 point by fallintothis 5547 days ago | link

Welcome to the news.yc discussion circa about 2 years ago ;)

In the case of this title, the only way it got "worse" is that someone goofed on a space, "onMzScheme". An editor could now step in, add a space, and the only difference would be that proper nouns were capitalized. Not that the edit was wholly necessary, but it's not like the title was censored.


1 point by thaddeus 5547 days ago | link

It's really kinda funny. When I post, I notice the submit function capitalizes the first letter of the first word of the title's sentence.... sometimes I look at that and say to myself - hey! that's not what I typed!. So I go back in and edit the title changing the first letter back to lower case as intended (correct or not). The update function allows this to pass through. So now that I see (more than once) my text being changed I find myself feeling like I have to battle the bots (or the nots!). It just feels wrong.


1 point by aw 5547 days ago | link

That's good to know about being able to edit the first letter back to lowercase -- on occasion I've started a title with a function or macro name that should be uncapitalized.


3 points by s-phi-nl 5549 days ago | link and


1 point by thaddeus 5549 days ago | link

Ah yes. Thank you. It's always good to hear from the horses mouth....


2 points by akkartik 5549 days ago | link

Me 154 days ago: "Just by making mzscheme salient arc is responsible for getting me hacking more on lisp." (

Not really an answer to your question, but it was immensely useful to be told, "Just pick this one."


2 points by fallintothis 5549 days ago | link


1 point by thaddeus 5549 days ago | link

hmmm... too bad. I have yet to try gambit, but I like the idea that it's fast, supports 64 bit systems and along with termite there's concurrency model similar to Erlang. Though I am not sure that would even work with arc, but at a faster version of arc with a concurrency model sounds better to me.

I'm just in this investigating/researching languages + features mode lately :)
