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1 point by akkartik 5496 days ago | link | parent

Are the highest/lowest columns based on 200 days of history? Is there ability to drill down that I'm missing?

1 point by thaddeus 5496 days ago | link

All data is limited to the last 200 days so yes, but I don't store lowest, just highest and last and price prior to last. I plan to add more stuff, but I just got the basic stuff I need.

The Volume & Price Factors are the % of the last relative to the highest. I.E. Volume Factor 300 means the last volume is 300% greater than the highest (in 200 days), 100% means they are equal.

Price Pop is the percent the last is relative to the prior.

You can drill down by creating a query using the magnifying glass at the bottom.

You can move column order by using drag/drop within the column dialog.

jqGrid has soo many options :)


1 point by akkartik 5496 days ago | link

So highest volume/price columns are normalized? or is it the latest columns.

How would a factor of highest ever be greater than 100%?


1 point by thaddeus 5496 days ago | link

Good questions- I was expecting technology questions. lol. :)

They are the highest 'close' attributes in the last 200 days. The volume would be the total volume for a day. The price would be the close price for a day.

The highest excludes the last close.

Header descriptions could be much better as you point out... I wasn't too worried as I had no plans for a product.


1 point by akkartik 5496 days ago | link

Cool. What do you do with this? Does it help you make trading decisions?


1 point by thaddeus 5496 days ago | link


Helps me find stocks breaking out (moving from stage 1 to stage 2 in stan weinsteins book).

I don't buy based solely on this, but the whole process helps me to remove some of the unwanted human emotion when investing.
