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4 points by palsecam 5474 days ago | link | parent

files.arc (where 'mtime and co are defined ; web-static.arc depends on it) is available at


An example of a login procedure, taken from one of my websites:

  (def new-login-handler ((o redir "/"))
    [let user (arg _ "user")
        (if (login user (arg _ "pwd"))
	    (opurl:new-login-op redir "Bad credentials" user)))])

  (def login-page (req (o redir "/") (o msg) (o userval))
    (page req "Login"
      (tag (p class "err") (prt msg))
      (fnform (new-login-handler redir)
        (lblinp "Username: " "user" "text" userval)
        (lblinp "Password: " "pwd" "password")
        (but "login"))
      (ijs "document.getElementById('user').focus();")))

  (def new-login-op ((o redir "/") (o msg) (o userval))
    (newop [login-page _ redir msg userval]))

  (defpath /login (req)  (login-page req))
'page is a macro on top of 'htmlpage to create a page with the look&feel of the project site.

'login is something like: (goodcrypt pwd (get-passwd-of-user user)) ('goodcrypt is in files.arc).

"op" means "operation" in my lexicon, and is for /x/... paths, stateful actions. I know, this is confusing, it's not the same notion than in srv.arc ('defop). But in my mind, even when it comes to webapps, the default is statelessness and resources-oriented, not stateful operations. People (me the first) basically only care about "resources" (informations, content), be it a rich Ajax-full webapp or a basic HTML page, anyway.

In srv.arc, the "operations" system is +/- the 'fns* / 'fnids* / 'flink / etc. stuff.


The complete nginx config file for the above project site:

  # Nginx configuration file for <proj> on localhost.
  # Install with:
  # ln -s /home/<PROJ>/res/nginx-localsite.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/<PROJ>

  server {
       listen		8030;

       root		/home/<PROJ>/res/;
       error_log	/var/log/nginx/<PROJ>-error.log;
       access_log	off;

       rewrite "/static/(.*)" "/minified/$1" break;

       location /minified/ {

		if (!-f $request_filename) {
		   rewrite "/minified/(.*)" "/static/$1" break;

		if ($query_string) {
             	   expires		+1y;

       location /static/ {

       location ~ "^/(favicon\.ico|robots\.txt)$" {
		expires	       		+2M;

       location / {
		access_log		/var/log/nginx/<PROJ>-access.log;
       		proxy_pass		http://localhost:8020;
		proxy_set_header	X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
		proxy_pass_header	Server;
Gzipping and other general config directives are defined in the main /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file and are invisibly "inherited" here.

I don't log accesses to /static/* and /favicon.ico / /robots.txt, but I do log accesses to the rest of the website (access_log directive in the "location /" block).

Nginx doc @


A comment in web.arc mentions scheme2js, more infos here: It's a scheme to javascript compiler, which is smart enough to substitute the TCO with the use of a while loop or a trampoline (depending of the case), and that can do a bunch of other optimizations too (like inlining calls to +).

It is used in the HOP project ( which is a framework to develop rich webapps (i.e: w/ a rich javascript-backed client GUI and w/ Ajax) using Scheme for the server and the client. It is quite impressive (the website is a demo). To Thaddeus: wtf would you want to compile Arc to CoffeeScript and not to raw Javascript directly?! If you decide to write an Arc to JS compiler, be sure to check out scheme2js!

2 points by thaddeus 5474 days ago | link

-> why compile Arc to CoffeeScript?

good question. scheme 2js looks better.

BTW Thanks for posting all this information! This gives me more to sink my teeth into. :)
