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1 point by shader 5460 days ago | link | parent

Any idea how hard it would be to port the forum app to web.arc? It would give us an interesting comparison of the two systems.

I'm partly interested because I've been working very slowly on creating an fcgi interface for arc. I wanted to run it on a shared host that allows arbitrary scripts to be run, but only as long as they don't open their own network sockets.

Unfortunately, while I got the fcgi interface to work (not fun by the way; fcgi is horrible), and simple "hello world" scripts running directly on srv.arc work fine, more complicated things like the forum have mysterious bugs. It could easily be that something is wrong with my code, but given the extreme lack of debugging tools, and the mysteriousness of the bugs, I wonder sometimes if it isn't something wrong with the arc app stack itself. It would be awesome if switching the forum over to your web stack would make it more stable.

Btw, you should also put your code in a more permanent location, like the anarki repo.

1 point by aw 5460 days ago | link

I'm curious why you want to run on a shared host? Is it to save money or for some other reason?


1 point by shader 5459 days ago | link

The main reason is that I already have a shared host, so I figured I might as well run arc on it, instead of pay for separate vps. Especially if I can get better performance/reliability than running it locally.

Also, I figured that there might be some other people interested in doing the same thing.
