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1 point by rocketnia 5400 days ago | link | parent

Okay, I've brought Lathe's buggy-jarc branch up-to-date with Jarc 13. The code I had for Jarc 12 already worked, so I took the opportunity to remove all the unnecessary workarounds that were still in there. It sure is an awesome relief having the diff with the master branch get so small, but there are still two bugs in my way right now:

- Jarc's metafns aren't metafns. This has been a problem for quite a while, but usually I phrase it in terms of (my:foo ...) not working, since that's the way my namespace system encourages macro calls to look.

Each of the following should result in t rather than trying to apply 1 as a function:

  (iso ((compose do) '(1 2 3)) '(1 2 3))
  (iso ((andf do) '(1 2 3)) '(1 2 3))
For compatibility, this should work even if someone rebinds 'compose, 'andf, or some other metafn name to a completely different value. Metafn forms are identified purely by name in official Arc.

- Jarc's a&b ssyntax no longer works. The result of (ssexpand 'a&b) is (andf a b) as it should be, and (andf a b) does work correctly in most cases (the above bug being an exception), but for some reason using a&b in the code itself causes an error. It tries to look up the symbol a&b.