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1 point by rocketnia 5399 days ago | link | parent

This isn't particular to quasiquote. You can reach into any function that returns a literal cons or string.

I know, hence why I talked about 'quote. On principle, I'm equally paranoid about 'quote, 'quasiquote, and literal strings, but I've never mutated strings in my own projects, and I almost exclusively quasiquote my "escaping" cons cells rather than quoting them, so I just glossed over those facets of my paranoia. :-p

it appears to be an arbitrary artifact of how Arc does quasiquote expansion, and not a defined feature.

Like I said, I think there's a relevant pg comment around here somewhere. I've searched some more, but I still can't find it. Maybe it was just my imagination. ^_^;

Oh, wait, fallintothis's post links to it.

Arrgh, it would help if Google weren't so inconsistent. It's a result for ("behavior can be quite useful in some contexts"), but it doesn't show up in the results for ("behavior can be quite useful in some"), and ("can be quite useful in some contexts") has no results at all. Of course, observing this property and posting about it will no doubt change the search results. XD

Ah, here we go, is much nicer. ^_^