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1 point by rocketnia 5383 days ago | link | parent

Where I got stuck with the bottom-up version: nested macro calls don't work. ... Perhaps I need to interleave eval and translate steps more finely (which would require building eval and the more tranditional big-bang interprete-everything structure). Perhaps I end up with a very non-lisp language where I have to 'quote' nested macros.

Hmm, I thought I had a simpler fix for you, but it seems I'm stuck too. ^_^; If it comes to me, I'll be sure to post it.


It's certainly about personal preference. I like being able to run ls and see the structure of the program.

Interesting, I tend to consider a flat, fifty-file list as not having a lot of structure to it. In fact, I think the term "structured programming" has something to do with not having flat lists of instructions with line numbers. :-p

Really, though, I can sort of get used to them. It's a bit like being introduced to a language by reading a book; you get a little bit of the language in each page or chapter, and if you get lost, you know which direction to turn to get back to solid footing.

A new feature may modify dozens of functions but keep all the related changes spatially clustered together. Not needing to touch the loader fits into that 'minimize hunks' aesthetic.

Well, those are things we both like. ^_^