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3 points by zhtw 5301 days ago | link | parent

ccc is certainly way to go, but just in case: mzscheme does not use continuation passing style so the ccc can work much much slower than just a function call because it copies the stack.

Actually I didn't do the profiling so maybe there is nothing to worry about.

3 points by fallintothis 5301 days ago | link

  arc> ; with ccc
    (with (x 0 y 0)
      (while (< x 1000000)
          (when (odd x)
            (++ x)
          (++ y)
          (++ x)))
      (list x y)))
  time: 27208 msec.
  (1000000 500000)

  arc> ; without ccc
    (with (x 0 y 0)
      (while (< x 1000000)
        (if (odd x)
            (++ x)
            (do (++ y)
                (++ x))))
      (list x y)))
  time: 1978 msec.
  (1000000 500000)
Interesting observation!
