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Jarc 19 is out (
4 points by projectileboy 5252 days ago | 4 comments

2 points by projectileboy 5252 days ago | link

I'm not involved with this project at all, but kudos to JD for working so hard on it. Being able to hack Arc on Google App Engine is just unbelievably delightful.


1 point by rocketnia 5252 days ago | link

No Jarc 18? ^_^

I took a look at the code, and it looks like the vast majority of the change is the addition of 'readfns* and writefns*, which is pretty awesome in and of itself. You could definitely use that like reader macros for embedding templates for other language code in Jarc.

I couldn't help but notice that you fixed no more than one thing from (, the (string '|.|) issue, but no worries. :-p


2 points by jazzdev 5220 days ago | link

I've been away from the forum (trying to get my startup launched). I'll look into the bug reports in this week. Thanks for the bug reports, as always.

I've changed the default behavior for printing Java types that don't have a fn in writefns* -- Jarc now prints them as

It was getting annoying getting the missing writefns* messages. You can still define your own, but it doesn't pester you to do so anymore.

I'm working on a Rainbow compatibility module so that Jarc and Rainbow can share modules that call out to Java classes (like Swing and GAE datastore).


1 point by rocketnia 5252 days ago | link

I gave your SourceForge project a thumbs up, but it seemed to have registered it as a thumbs down. Maybe it doesn't like me. O_o I deleted the review, which succeeded in returning it to the way it was before.
