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Am I missing something or you guys are nuts?!
1 point by alimoeeny 5252 days ago | 8 comments
I left windows a couple of years ago and I have lived and worked in one or another Unix like OS since and never looked back. The only thing that I am REALLY missing is Visual Studio, I looked to see if I can find a decent IDE in my new life to replace VS at least to some extent but so far has been out of luck. I can live with that, I have found my way around debugging python and learned to use emacs and Xcode and eclipse and ... but developing arc is a pain! I mean I enjoy the new way of thinking and the new aproach to the old problems but implementing them is a real pain (I test some small pices on to get them right!). What do you guys do?

4 points by fallintothis 5252 days ago | link

Personally, I use Vim (efficient text editing), Yakuake (shell is an F12 away), and rlwrap (make bad REPLs good!) for, well, really any language I use. Specifically for Arc, I wrote a Vim syntax highlighter & ftplugin: Also, it's useful to

  alias arc='pushd ~/arc &> /dev/null; rlwrap -q"\"" mzscheme -f as.scm; popd &> /dev/null'


3 points by akkartik 5251 days ago | link

Here's what my as.scm has to remove the need for the pushd/popd:

  (define arc-dir* (getenv "ARC"))
  (define start-dir* (path->string (current-directory)))
  (current-directory arc-dir*)

  (require mzscheme)

  ... ; other requires from as.scm

  (current-directory start-dir*)

Now all I have to do is setup $ARC in my shell startup, and I can run arc from anywhere and load source files transparently from the current directory.


1 point by akkartik 5249 days ago | link

I went to push this idea to anarki, but it turns out there's already magic to call arc from anywhere:

  (parameterize ((current-directory (current-load-relative-directory)))
    (aload "arc.arc")
    (aload "libs.arc"))


1 point by akkartik 5251 days ago | link

Is this the right Yakuake? Can you elaborate on what it buys you?


1 point by fallintothis 5251 days ago | link

Yeah, that's the right one. More "officially", leads you through some links until you finally get to its KDE-Apps page at But you'd probably just get it from your distro's package repository, anyway. For instance, I'm on Debian right now, and the package description does the elaboration for me, so:

  $ apt-cache show yakuake | grep -A7 -m1 "Description:"
  Description: a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology
   YaKuake is inspired from the terminal in the Quake game: when you press a key
   (by default F12, but that can be changed) a terminal window slides down from
   the top of the screen. Press the key again, and the terminal slides back.
   It is faster than a keyboard shortcut because it is already loaded into memory
   and as such is very useful to anyone who frequently finds themselves switching
   in and out of terminal sessions.


2 points by evanrmurphy 5251 days ago | link

I keep getting surprised by how much setup matters for my own programming satisfaction. Hacking Arc became a great deal less frustrating for me once I was introduced to rlwrap, and then the possibility of an in-editor REPL for emacs using inferior-arc-mode.


1 point by alimoeeny 5251 days ago | link

I didn't know about rlwrap! it's relief! At least now I can begin to work.


1 point by evanrmurphy 5250 days ago | link

I'm glad it's working out for you!
