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1 point by akkartik 5197 days ago | link | parent

Oh, I didn't think that much about it. I just tried this in anarki:

  (defcall int self-and-args
and it seems to work ^_^. I can't come up with a counterexample that requires copying. Can you? Otherwise let's just not copy until something breaks. Then we'll learn something.

1 point by akkartik 5197 days ago | link

You know I think I totally misunderstood your original code comment. When I read it now my response to use idfn seems kinda facetious (I was seriously suggesting it, don't know what I was thinking.)


1 point by rocketnia 5197 days ago | link

Well, I don't hold it against you. :-p It gave me an excuse to elaborate about my confusion too. >.>

I think I agree with you that we shouldn't worry about holding onto the argument list as long as it isn't a tangible problem. I'm interested to hear if someone knows of a problem though. ^_^ (Edit: Oh, aw posted an example.)
