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1 point by akkartik 5197 days ago | link | parent

Hmm, it would involve reimplementing eval inside arc. So far the arc compiler simply converts arc expressions to scheme expressions. You can't evaluate anything then.

2 points by fallintothis 5197 days ago | link

it would involve reimplementing eval inside arc

Guess I should've mentioned this in my first post. People shouldn't be getting hung up on it. The diff was in this function:

  ; call a function or perform an array ref, hash ref, &c

  ; Non-fn constants in functional position are valuable real estate, so
  ; should figure out the best way to exploit it.  What could (1 foo) or 
  ; ('a foo) mean?  Maybe it should mean currying.

  ; For now the way to make the default val of a hash table be other than
  ; nil is to supply the val when doing the lookup.  Later may also let
  ; defaults be supplied as an arg to table.  To implement this, need: an 
  ; eq table within scheme mapping tables to defaults, and to adapt the 
  ; code in arc.arc that reads and writes tables to read and write their 
  ; default vals with them.  To make compatible with existing written tables, 
  ; just use an atom or 3-elt list to keep the default.

   (define (ar-apply fn args)
     (cond ((procedure? fn) 
            (apply fn args))
           ((pair? fn) 
            (list-ref fn (car args)))
           ((string? fn) 
            (string-ref fn (car args)))
           ((hash-table? fn) 
            (ar-nill (hash-table-get fn 
                                     (car args) 
                                     (if (pair? (cdr args)) (cadr args) #f))))
   ; experiment: means e.g. [1] is a constant fn
   ;       ((or (number? fn) (symbol? fn)) fn)
   ; another possibility: constant in functional pos means it gets 
   ; passed to the first arg, i.e. ('kids item) means (item 'kids).
  -        (#t (err "Function call on inappropriate object" fn args))))
  +        (#t (ac-niltree (apply list fn (ar-nil-terminate args))))))
It works the same as any other list/table/string referencing in Arc. Things that look like function calls are compiled to (ar-apply f args), generally speaking (see ac-call), so this logic happens at runtime. Thus,

  arc> (let f [+ _ 1] (f 5)) ; evals as fn call
  arc> (let xs '(a b c) (xs 0)) ; evals as cons ref
  arc> (let xs "abc" (xs 0)) ; evals as string ref
  arc> (let h (obj a 1 b 2) (h 'a)) ; evals as table ref
In standard Arc:

  arc> (let x 'atom (x 5)) ; defaults to #t clause
  Error: "Function call on inappropriate object atom (5)"
With the patch:

  arc> (let x 'atom (x 5)) ; defaults to #t clause
  (atom 5)


1 point by akkartik 5197 days ago | link

Ah, I did notice that. This thread feels like it's been going a long time.
