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2 points by hasenj 5196 days ago | link | parent

> ))]))])))

One of the ideas lurking in my head was a symbol to close all open parenthesis

For example, assuming [] isn't used for anything:

  (def fun (args)
    (a (b (c (d)))))
would be written as:

  (def fun (args)
    (a (b (c (d))]  
where ] would tell the interpreter to close everything. Or maybe just close the nearest open parenthesis that's at the beginning of a line.

Granted, something like (a (b (c (d] looks a bit odd, but this looks less odd:

  (a (b (c (d (e (f (g (h)))]
And you'll be able to insert stuff in the middle without having to remember to balance parenthesis at the end:

  (a (b (c (d (x y) (z (e (f (g (h)))]

1 point by rocketnia 5196 days ago | link

Didn't pg talk about this use of ] in one of the early posts on Arc?

I shy away from it only 'cause it reduces the number of editors which can make sense of the brackets.
