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What would you like to see in a new code site for Arc? (
5 points by aw 5194 days ago | 12 comments

4 points by fallintothis 5194 days ago | link

Not much to do with content, but some sort of syntax highlighting (even just bold-facing keywords or something) would make longer code samples on such a site much more readable -- both for Arc and Scheme snippets. At least to me. There's still the sect of people who are too manly for syntax highlighting or whatever, so you could have a link at the bottom of codeblocks to toggle it.

This also applies to inline fixed-width fonts, which you should have as well. It's annoying as hell to have a billion conventions for inline code here: some people 'quote, others "quote", you could italicize, some don't do any formatting, and sometimes I just get lazy and put it

  in its own block.
A sane syntax for this would be good. I'm never sure if arc-globals* interact well with the italicizing syntax (asterisks) in different contexts: (= global 5)*?


2 points by shader 5191 days ago | link

I would have a simple method for getting the code in plain text, but I wouldn't bother including dependency handling natively. I feel like all dependency checking could be done with extra code in the snippet and handled on the client side. That would be simpler and more open to changes in the future. Plus we don't have to spontaneously create a system that is both simple and comprehensive enough to satisfy everyone simultaneously ;)

Basically I would extend the news.arc code to include support for another item type - code - that can be submitted separately, named, searched for, and retrieved as plain text. Then all of the comments/discussion is included for free, and if the double indent was made slightly more intelligent it could extract code snippets from normal comments as well.

It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to implement this way (most of the code is already there) and if we can get pg to like it he might update the arc forum to support it ;)


2 points by evanrmurphy 5189 days ago | link

> and if the double indent was made slightly more intelligent it could extract code snippets from normal comments as well.

I just noticed that UseTheSource, another news.arc forum, implements syntax highligting on the code blocks for some programming languages.


1 point by evanrmurphy 5191 days ago | link

I really like this pragmatic approach!


2 points by thaddeus 5194 days ago | link

Forgive me if, lately, my posts seem overly Clojure related, but after seeing your post my first thought was that might provide some inspiration.

Here's an example page:


1 point by rocketnia 5193 days ago | link

Sounds a lot like, but more mature, not for Arc, and not, well, dead. >.>

Hey, I have a wild idea. Anarki's the most active Arc community project, right? Why not make a GitHub Pages site for Arc and let it be public-push?


3 points by aw 5193 days ago | link

I actually tried GitHub Pages for before I changed to hosting it myself. I don't know if this is still true, but at the time they rendered pages as a batch process: I'd make a change, and some indeterminate time later -- sometimes immediately, sometimes after a long delay -- the change would appear on my web site. I found this killed my productivity.

At this point I'm willing to put in the time to implement a solution that works the way I want it to.

However I wouldn't discourage anyone from setting up a GitHub Pages for Arc today. I hope that my site will turn out to better than GitHub Pages (for this particular purpose), but that doesn't mean that you need to wait around for me to implement something, or even necessarily that you will in fact find my site better than GitHub Pages.

Anything that gets published on GitHub Pages I can import into my site when I actually have something written, so any work you do now in GitHub Pages won't be lost if it turns out that my site does work better. And GitHub Pages are really easy to use and get started with, so there isn't a big time investment needed there either.


1 point by evanrmurphy 5193 days ago | link

> Hey, I have a wild idea. Anarki's the most active Arc community project, right? Why not make a GitHub Pages site for Arc and let it be public-push?

You could get pretty far with that and Github gists. Except that they don't do syntax highlighting for Arc:


1 point by evanrmurphy 5193 days ago | link

This looks nice! Definition, examples, "see also", source, and the best feature of (i.e. comments)... seems very thorough.


1 point by aw 5193 days ago | link

Happy to steal anything useful! ^_^


2 points by d0m 5194 days ago | link

I think a collective book where everyone can write sections might be something really interesting. It would be a wonderful resource for newcomers.


1 point by akkartik 5194 days ago | link

Yeah that's similar to a repository of tips in a wiki:
