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3 points by d0m 5189 days ago | link | parent

Evan, I find that project really interesting as it opens Arc to new perspectives usable in the "real world".

When you give Javascript examples, you seem to care a lot about jQuery (with good reasons, of course). Wouldn't it be possible to separate the Arc-that-compile-in-js and jQuery?

For instance:

  (def foo ()
    (alert "test"))

Just to be clear, you could use Arc functions as callback with jQuery.. but jQuery will keep its javascript syntax.

Ideally, that would be also possible:

  $('.click_me').click((fn () (alert 'test'))); 

  $('.click_me').click([alert "test"]); 
However, we have some problems such as:

  ; How to differentiate betweens javascript syntax or arc/js syntax?
  $.each([1,2,3], [alert _]); 

To fix that, it might be possible to separate Arc expressions with a delimiter or something when it is used inside jQuery:

  $.each([1,2,3], ~[alert _]);

  $('.click_me').click( ~(fn () (alert "test")));

  $('.click_me').click( ~[alert 'test]);

  $('click_me').click( function(e) {
    ~(alert "test in js/arc") 
    alert("test in pure js");

  $('.click_me').keydown( ~[here, _ would be bound to the event object]); 

And just as a matter of preference, I find:

  ({} a b c d) -> js: {a: 'b', c: 'd'} 
Better than the single { equivalent. (Not to mention that it would screw up all editors :p)

  ([] 1 2 3) -> [1,2,3] 
So you could do:

  (([] 10 12 14) 1) -> 12 

Even if you disagree with everything I said here, I really wish you could go forward with that project :)

1 point by evanrmurphy 5189 days ago | link

> Wouldn't it be possible to separate the Arc-that-compile-in-js and jQuery?

I'd never thought of this before. I especially like your examples with the delimiter for switching between syntaxes. CoffeeScript provides one of those (, and I think you're right that it'd be nice to have.

> I find: ({} a b c d) -> js: {a: 'b', c: 'd'} Better than the single { equivalent.

([ 1 2 3) and ({ a 1 b 2) are kind of an abuse of s-expressions. I think the fact that I want them suggests I should be going all the way to [1 2 3] and {a 1 b 2}, without the parens at all. If you have to delimit them with parens, I agree [] and {} have advantages.

(Not to mention that it would screw up all editors :p)

Haha, yes it would. I finally had to turn paredit off in emacs when I was writing these expressions.

Thanks for your input, d0m. :)
