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1 point by gimondarake 5173 days ago | link | parent

Hello rocketnia,

First of all, thank you very much for your reply :)!

I see, I don't know anything about Arc and how news.arc works, so I didn't know that it would be difficult to use both news.arc and PHP.

I have been programming for about a year = newbie. But wanted to give a try since I love Hacker News and now that I love Arc Forum with the warm welcome I received :)!

Are there any services other than Hacker News and Arc Forum that was build with news.arc!?

2 points by rocketnia 5160 days ago | link

Are there any services other than Hacker News and Arc Forum that was build with news.arc!?

Sorry for not answering your question sooner! These discussions list some examples of news.arc forums: ("Wiki list of websites & apps using Arc") ("Other sites running news.arc?") (a comment on "What would you like to see in a new code site for Arc?")

To find these, I just used
