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Arc3.1 optimizations (
7 points by waterhouse 5090 days ago | 11 comments

2 points by Pauan 5089 days ago | link

About using + for only addition: I mostly agree, with the caveat that I think there should be a "join stuff together with implicit coercion" function. Maybe we could use `join` for that. But I wouldn't expect `join` to do addition on numbers... I guess it's a question as to whether we want Arc to lean more toward strong or weak typing.

For reference, JS is (very) weakly typed, and Python is (more or less) strongly typed. Arc (mostly) seems to follow JS (weakly typed).


In Python:

  5 + 10         -> 15
  "foo" + "bar"  -> "foobar"
  "foo" + 5      -> error
  5 + "foo"      -> error
  str(5) + "foo" -> "5foo"
In Arc:

  (+ 5 10)         -> 15
  (+ "foo" "bar")  -> "foobar"
  (+ "foo" 5)      -> "foo5"
  (+ 5 "foo")      -> error
  (string 5 "foo") -> "5foo"
In JS:

  5 + 10        -> 15
  "foo" + "bar" -> "foobar"
  "foo" + 5     -> "foo5"
  5 + "foo"     -> "5foo"

So... here are our options:

1) + works on numbers. Period. Requires explicit coercion if the arguments are not numbers. Provide something else for concatenation (join?)

2) + works on numbers. Period. Implicitly coerces arguments to numbers, and errors if it can't. Provide something else for concatenation (join?)

3) + works on everything, but if you want to add things of different types (like numbers and strings) you need to explicitly coerce. This is Python's behavior.

4) + works on everything, and the arguments are implicitely coerced according to some (hopefully sane) rules. This is what Arc and JS do right now.


By the way, the difference between Arc and JS is that Arc always returns the type of the first argument, and errors if it can't. Thus, when doing (+ "foo" 5) it coerces 5 into a string, and then concatenates. But, when doing (+ 5 "foo") it tries to coerce "foo" into a number, which obviously fails.

In JS, + is binary, and coercion rules take both operands into account, which is why the last example worked. This strategy would be possible in Arc, but I'm not sure how confusing/desirable that would be.

It's possible to do it in Arc too, if you're explicit:

  (+ "" 5 "foo") -> "5foo"
Though I think using `string` would be clearer, in that case.


P.S. I see strong/weak as not the same as static/dynamic. My understanding of it is that strong typing won't implicitly coerce: you have to be explicit. On the other hand, weak typing will try to guess what you meant (implicitly coercing as needed).

Static is where things (like types, classes, etc.) are determined at compile-time and cannot (generally) change at run-time, whereas a dynamic language does the checks at run-time.

Those definitions aren't exactly all that precise, though, and there's likely to be some overlap between them, so take it with a grain of salt.

In any case, when I was referring to strong/weak I was referring to explicit/implicit coercion. Python, JS, and Arc are all dynamically typed.

Amusingly, Wikipedia lists Arc as a strongly typed language. I definitely consider + (in Arc) to be weakly typed.


3 points by waterhouse 5090 days ago | link

aw's thread (bugs and gotchas) has nudged me into putting this up. :-)

As a general note, I think I'll want to put up a bunch of stuff on the wiki (eventually). Seems like a good place to post code and explanation, and to allow for future people (who might or might not be me) to improve upon it. Sort of like my old thread[1], except this allows for editing.

Where should discussion take place, though? I think the answer is "on this forum". The arclanguagewiki site has comments, but I dislike that option, because (if I perceive things correctly) the comments will be there forever, and if someone posts a comment to say "X should be this way", and people discuss it, agree, and incorporate the change into the wiki, then those comments will be obsolete but they'll still be there. Come to think of it, the Arc Forum is a forum and it's optimized for discussion (and sharing of links) in the first place, so this seems a good state of affairs.



2 points by aw 5089 days ago | link

eradicate all meanings of + that aren't addition

Also note that the Racket + actually performs two different kinds of addition (exact or inexact/floating point) depending on the arguments passed to it:

  $ racket
  Welcome to Racket v5.0.2.
  > (+ 5 1/3 2)
  > (+ 5 1/3 2.)
So if you want to get "the arithmetic + without the join +" you may also want a way to get "the exact addition +" or "the floating point addition +".


4 points by shader 5089 days ago | link

Why? I'm not sure I understand the extreme dislike of overloaded operators. Not that this comment is necessarily directed at yours, but the concept in general.

If it's because of efficiency, the racket operator is probably fairly efficient anyway, and might even do some compile time type checking to see whether the result is likely to be one or the other.

At some point, instead of having nice operators to encapsulate the alternatives and paying the cost of minimal dynamic checking (if any), you'll end up building your own much more expensive explicit dynamic checking instead.

Also, I'm not sure how this urge for separation of functions can contribute much to arc's main goals of brevity and simplicity. Having one function with a short name to handle many very closely related operations makes plenty of sense most of the time, and lets you use plain + instead of +-float and +-int.


4 points by aw 5088 days ago | link

Oh, for myself I routinely use + for joining lists, so I'm firmly in the general purpose + camp.

My point was merely that whatever argument someone may have for preferring an arithmetic-only +, there is an isomorphic argument for more specifically preferring an exact-+ or a floating-+, and so if the former is applicable to your situation you may also want to consider if the latter also applies.


5 points by waterhouse 5075 days ago | link

Hi, finally replying to this thread. So, I, a long time ago, found that the + function was allocating memory every time it was called; this a) made things slower than they had to be (according to my old thread, incrementing a variable was half as fast as it should have been), b) triggered garbage collections, which were annoying pauses at the REPL, and c) triggered garbage collections when I was doing, like, (time:repeat 100000 <test procedure>) (note that "repeat" is implemented with "for", which uses +).

The problem with (c) is that it made the time to completion rather variable (depending on whether a GC happened, or sometimes on how many GCs happened), so the results were difficult to interpret. It interfered with my measuring and comparing the performance of my procedures.

So it annoyed me. And I found that just using the Scheme + fixed it, stopped the malloc'ing. To know that this crap was caused by a feature I didn't use and that Paul Graham had seemed to declare was a bad idea, a feature that seemed it shouldn't even be there anymore... I took it upon myself to eradicate it from the source code. And I felt better afterwards.

But now this case-lambda version of + (which is polymorphic) seems to not malloc at all, and a bit of testing by me indicated it performed approximately as well as the raw Racket +; I couldn't see any difference. (Btw, I think I perceived that Racket doesn't malloc for argument lists when you call "apply" or something, but it does malloc--probably copies the arglist--if you access it with car or cdr.)

So polymorphic + is no longer so obnoxious to me, and I no longer feel the need to eradicate it. I'd probably still prefer to use "string" to join/coerce to strings and "join" to join lists, myself, and I'd probably prefer "join" as a generic join operator. But I won't kill concatenate-+ on sight. Since overloading itself seems not to be the cause of the performance problems, I might warm to the idea... maybe overload + for my polynomials--or for matrices, I've been playing with them recently--though I've actually only multiplied them, never added them--perhaps I should overload *...


2 points by aw 5074 days ago | link

How did you measure how much memory was being allocated by the various alternatives?


3 points by waterhouse 5074 days ago | link

You may find the following definitions extremely useful. (I do.) Evolved from my previous "mem-use" macro.

  ;note that "memory" = $.current-memory-use
  ; and "current-gc-milliseconds", "current-process-milliseconds"
  ; were supplied in ac.scm
  (= gc-msec      current-gc-milliseconds
     process-msec current-process-milliseconds)
  (mac utime body
    (w/uniq (gtime ggc gmem)
      `(with (,gtime (msec) ,ggc (gc-msec) ,gmem (memory))
         (do1 (do ,@body)
              (prn "time: " (- (msec) ,gtime)
                   " gc: " (- (gc-msec) ,ggc)
                   " mem: " (- (memory) ,gmem))))))
  (= time utime)
You might expect some memory or time overhead just from using this, but in fact there doesn't seem to be any:

  arc> (time:- 1 2)
  time: 0 gc: 0 mem: 0 ;zero overhead
  ;now I copy the old definition of + from ac.scm to clipboard
  arc> (= + (eval:list '$ (read:pbpaste))) 
  arc> (time:+ 1 2)
  time: 0 gc: 0 mem: 352 ;probably from JIT-compiling +
  arc> (time:+ 1 2)
  time: 0 gc: 0 mem: 64
  arc> (time:+ 1 2)
  time: 0 gc: 0 mem: 64 ;by now this is clearly the usual mem-use
  arc> (time:+ 1 2)
  time: 0 gc: 0 mem: 64
  arc> (= + $.+) ;Racket +
  arc> (time:+ 1 2)
  time: 0 gc: 0 mem: 0
  arc> (time:+ 1 2)
  time: 0 gc: 0 mem: 0
  ;now I copy this definition to clipboard:
  (define (ar-+2 x y)
    (cond ((char-or-string? x)
           (string-append (ar-coerce x 'string) (ar-coerce y 'string)))
          ((and (arc-list? x) (arc-list? y))
           (ac-niltree (append (ar-nil-terminate x) (ar-nil-terminate y))))
          (#t (+ x y))))
  arc> (eval:list '$ (read:pbpaste))
  arc> (time ($.ar-+2 1 2))
  time: 0 gc: 0 mem: 416 ;JIT
  arc> (time ($.ar-+2 1 2))
  time: 0 gc: 0 mem: 0 ;so it allocates zero memory
  arc> (time ($.ar-+2 1 2))
  time: 0 gc: 0 mem: 0
Now for more playing around. A Racket loop that counts to 1 million.

  arc> (time:$:let loop ((n 0)) (if (> n 1000000) 't (loop (+ n 1))))
  time: 3 gc: 0 mem: 760
  arc> (time:$:let loop ((n 0)) (if (> n 1000000) 't (loop (+ n 1))))
  time: 5 gc: 0 mem: 920 ;kinda weird, it alternates 760 and 920
  ;now up to 10 million
  arc> (time:$:let loop ((n 0)) (if (> n 10000000) 't (loop (+ n 1))))
  time: 36 gc: 0 mem: 760
  ;now we test ar-+2
  arc> (time:$:let loop ((n 0)) (if (> n 10000000) 't (loop (ar-+2 n 1))))
  time: 1020 gc: 0 mem: 1096
  arc> (time:$:let loop ((n 0)) (if (> n 10000000) 't (loop (ar-+2 n 1))))
  time: 1019 gc: 0 mem: 776
Apparently it makes a significant difference (30x) inside a tight Racket loop. For fun, let's try the unsafe ops too.

  arc> ($:require racket/unsafe/ops)
  arc> (time:$:let loop ((n 0)) (if (unsafe-fx> n 10000000) 't (loop (unsafe-fx+ n 1))))
  time: 28 gc: 0 mem: 760
Hmm, I had an idea. Put the number check first. New definition:

  (define (ar-+2 x y)
    (cond ((number? x) (+ x y))
          ((char-or-string? x)
           (string-append (ar-coerce x 'string) (ar-coerce y 'string)))
          ((and (arc-list? x) (arc-list? y))
           (ac-niltree (append (ar-nil-terminate x) (ar-nil-terminate y))))
          (#t (+ x y))))
  arc> (eval:list '$ (read:pbpaste))
  arc> (= + $.ar-+2)
  arc> (time:repeat 1000000 nil)
  time: 122 gc: 0 mem: 3256
  arc> (time:repeat 1000000 nil)
  time: 121 gc: 0 mem: 1880
  arc> (time:$:let loop ((n 0)) (if (> n 10000000) 't (loop (ar-+2 n 1))))
  time: 310 gc: 0 mem: 776
  arc> (time:$:let loop ((n 0)) (if (> n 10000000) 't (loop (ar-+2 n 1))))
  time: 323 gc: 0 mem: 936
What, now the Arc loop goes faster than it did with the Racket +. Probably because this function assumes two arguments, while Racket + assumes any number. And now the Racket loop is only 10x slower than with Racket +. (I expect Racket knows how to optimize its own 2-argument +.) By the way, in case you think the Arc loop goes faster than Racket, note that the Arc loop goes to 1 million and the Racket loop to 10 million; Racket is here going 3x as fast as Arc (and if Racket used Racket +, it'd be going 30x as fast).

Oh, um, I should test the case-lambda thing. I copy to clipboard my definition of + from the Optimizations page:

  arc> (cp)
  arc> (time:repeat 1000000 nil)
  time: 125 gc: 0 mem: 3096
  arc> (time:repeat 1000000 nil)
  time: 128 gc: 0 mem: 2200
Virtually no difference from the raw ar-+2. Just for reference, so I can be sure ar-+2 only goes faster than Racket + in the Arc loop because ar-+2 effectively declares that it takes only two arguments:

  arc> (= + ($:lambda (x y) (+ x y)))
  arc> (time:repeat 1000000 nil)
  time: 115 gc: 0 mem: 2776
  arc> (time:repeat 1000000 nil)
  time: 114 gc: 0 mem: 2040
Good, I'm not going crazy. Anyway, that final version of ar-+2 is my official recommendation.

Oh, incidentally, this "time" thing (though I think it was just "mem-use" back then) also helped me figure out that "<", ">", and "is" were allocating memory (provoking my work behind the Optimizations page). For example, I found that (no x) malloc'd; I eventually realized that this is because "is" mallocs, and (no x) is defined as (is x nil).

Also, here's some further relevant usage of "time":

  arc> (time:no:= xs (n-of 1000000 0))
  time: 2351 gc: 331 mem: 32513488
  arc> (time:no:zap nrev xs)
  time: 152 gc: 0 mem: 632 ;hell yeah, nrev works well
  arc> (time:no:zap rev xs)
  time: 254 gc: 0 mem: 32000584
  ;now here's when it GC's
  arc> (time:no:zap rev xs)
  time: 371 gc: 117 mem: 31824248
  arc> time:len.xs ;this is my fixed "len"
  time: 8 gc: 0 mem: 0
  ;now, for comparison, let's see the old definition of "len" from ac.scm
  arc> (= len (eval:list '$ (read:pbpaste)))
  arc> time:len.xs
  time: 461 gc: 261 mem: 68936656 ;OMG this is ridiculous


1 point by Pauan 5089 days ago | link

I'm fine with overloaded functions (assuming it makes sense to overload them). The problem isn't that + is overloaded to accept multiple types (that's fine). The problem is that it's trying to fulfill two different purposes at the same time (addition and concatenation), so there's inconsistencies with regard to numbers.

Thus, separating those two behaviors into two separate functions can make sense. In this case, it would be `join` being used for the current concatenate behavior, and `+` being used for numeric addition only. This would also allow us to sanely fix certain behaviors:

  (+ 5 "foo")    -> error
  (join 5 "foo") -> "5foo"
One downside with that approach is that `join` is 3 characters longer than `+`. Oh, and it would require changing `join` so it accepts non-conses, but I would consider that a good change, to be honest. It would allow for stuff like this:

  (join '(1 2 3) 4) -> (1 2 3 4)
By the way, I don't think it's a super big deal whether + handles non-numeric types or not. But at the same time, I can see some of the reasoning behind splitting addition/concatenation into two different functions.

P.S. With regard to the performance of a highly abstract Lisp written in itself, running on top of the Racket interpreter: given how slow Arc is in general, I doubt + is going to be the bottleneck.

P.P.S. I believe aw's post was mostly about preserving accuracy in those situations where you can't have any sort of rounding errors. Obviously the default + should behave as it currently does, coercing to the more abstract numeric type. However, in the situations where you need that precision, it might be nice to have a specialized + for that, like +-precise or whatever.


2 points by evanrmurphy 5088 days ago | link

"The problem is that it's trying to fulfill two different purposes at the same time (addition and concatenation), so there's inconsistencies with regard to numbers."

If your numbers were Church encoded, then I guess there wouldn't be a difference between addition and concatenation. XD (This is given that concatenating functions is the same as composing them.)


1 point by Pauan 5088 days ago | link

Yeah, sure, and let's just use lambdas for everything:

  (def cons (x y) (fn (f) (f x y)))
  (def car (x) (x (fn (a b) a)))
  (def cdr (x) (x (fn (a b) b)))

  (car (cons 'a nil)) -> a

On a semi-related note, I had an interest a while back for implementing a Lisp interpreter using only lambda-calculus. I'm still not sure if it's possible or not, but I wanted to give it a try.
