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3 points by randallsquared 6235 days ago | link | parent

For people who aren't used to lisp,

def f (x y) let z (* x y) * (- z x) (- z y)

is awful, especially since they'll automatically group "(* x y) * (- z x)" as an expression. :) But maybe your indentation fixed that.

2 points by sjs 6233 days ago | link

I'm almost certain that Eli meant to write:

    def f (x y)
      let z (* x y)
        * (- z x) (- z y)


1 point by EliAndrewC 6233 days ago | link

Exactly so, thank you. I've since Googled to find how to do code formatting, so I shouldn't have this problem in the future. Thanks for posting the correct code.
