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2 points by thaddeus 5045 days ago | link | parent

Being difficult or easy is a relative thing. The hours of investment by grade-a developers contributing to making these production grade feature-x's in other languages leads me to feel pretty comfortable suggest that having them, or a dozen other similar feature-x's would not be all that easy.

Sure, if you have spent hundreds of hours doing low level hacking between racket<->arc you can suggest these things are not all that hard, but the reality is that many of these feature-x's are just not going to happen.

Chances are that mainstream features are not a priority for the members here... And that's my message to the OP: go use Clojure or something having the features you want. I say this from 2 years of following arc, the arc forum and its members. There are probably a dozen submissions/comments about db connects and FFI, yet to this day nothing works.

The people on this forum, who know me, know I like the arc language, often promote it and that I'm not here to tear it apart, but I'm going to be real about it and make sure the op gets the right message (from my perspective).

1 point by thaddeus 5045 days ago | link


> "If you like the Arc, then instead of complaining that other people aren't figuring out what you'd want to use for you, why not take the time to help and describe what you would need in a db connection library and FFI?"

I'm thinking if you re-read the thread starting from my first comment (, you'll hopefully come to understand that I haven't been complaining, but rather I have been defending/substantiating my suggestions and thoughts.

As for why I don't take time to describe some spec, well because I'm not asking for anything and I've chosen to spend the bulk of my time learning Clojure and building applications. I guess you could say I take my own advice.

> "If you want some love on the forum, there's an easy way to get that:make a useful contribution."

It's pretty obvious, based upon your replies, that you don't see my posts as valuable contributions, but maybe you'll come to understand these posts are intended to help the OP rationalize his topic, not to gain some form popularity/acceptance with or by you.


1 point by aw 5045 days ago | link

oh, I don't mean to be impugning your intentions, and I apologize if I did so.


1 point by aw 5045 days ago | link

If you like the Arc, then instead of complaining that other people aren't figuring out what you'd want to use for you, why not take the time to help and describe what you would need in a db connection library and FFI?

Or, you could add a page to the wiki describing the ways that Clojure is better than Arc.

If you want some love on the forum, there's an easy way to get that: make a useful contribution.
