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Arc for Android?
1 point by anarcer 5011 days ago | 5 comments
No Arc REPL for Android ?

1 point by zck 5011 days ago | link

It could be added via SL4A: I can't find anything as to how easy or difficult that is, though.


1 point by rocketnia 5011 days ago | link

I've been thinking about doing this myself for a while, but I haven't written any code. I think I have too many projects on my plate right now too. :/


1 point by zck 5011 days ago | link

Is there any documentation on adding languages to SL4A? I looked around the google code site, and couldn't find anything.


2 points by rocketnia 5011 days ago | link

The closest thing I've seen is, which says a lot about the build process but nothing about how to actually hook up a different language's interpreter.

I think this is the template project it's talking about, which might help:

See how it uses LUA_BIN = "bin/lua"? Apparently SL4A is set up to execute a native application in a separate process. Lua for instance builds from a C project. The agcc/ folder probably has something to do with this (just to throw out vague vacuous suggestions ^^ ).

Wow, it looks like even JRuby is set up to run in a separate instance of the Dalvik VM:

As far as JRuby goes though, I really like Ruboto IRB, a completely separate project. Or is it? At one point I think I heard that Ruboto IRB kinda branched off of SL4A. Not trying to start rumors, just not equipped with a convenient way to check my facts right now. :-p


2 points by rocketnia 5011 days ago | link

"I think this is the template project it's talking about, which might help: "

Ack, wrong link. What I thought I said there was:

"I think this is the template project it's talking about, which might help:

Hmm, the Lua project seems more helpful: "

As far as the Ruboto IRB - SL4A connection goes, I think I must have completely made that up. ^^;
