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1 point by Pauan 4967 days ago | link | parent

"Huh, nice observation. ^_^ I think I've called strings "texts" sometimes, so mayhaps that's another option."

Sure, but traditionally Lisp has used the term "symbol", and even languages like Ruby have picked up on it. And there's another thing. Symbols in Lisp are often used as variable names. In that context, the word "text" doesn't make much sense, but the word "symbol" still makes perfect sense. So I still vote for "symbol", even though I think "text" is more reasonable than "string".


"Would you have a symbol be a sequence of length-one symbols, and have every length-one symbol be its own element? Anyway, I don't have any opinion about this. :-p"

Yes. :P At least, when coerced to a list. This would let us get rid of two similar-but-not-quite-the-same data types: strings and chars. It annoys me that I have to use (tokens foo #\newline) rather than (tokens foo "\n")

I don't really see much purpose or benefit of having a distinction between chars and strings... Python and JavaScript get by just fine with only strings, for instance.

In addition, I find myself juggling between symbols and strings a lot... converting to a sym when I want Arc to see it as an identifier, and as a string when I want to do things like index into it, or coerce it to a list... or when Arc code requires a string rather than a sym, etc... The more I think about it, the better it seems to unify strings/symbols/characters.

2 points by rocketnia 4966 days ago | link

I thought the point of the term "symbol" was to signify something that was used as a name. I do think it's a tad more evocative to call every string a symbol, but it feels a bit like calling every cons cell a form.

Inasmuch as I have any desire to be traditional, I'll call strings strings. :-p
