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1 point by akkartik 4959 days ago | link | parent

What arc are you using? On anarki and arc3.1 len.nil evaluates to 0.

Ah, I see rocketnia recently fixed it. Perhaps you just need to git pull?

1 point by dido 4959 days ago | link

I just did a git pull on Anarki and indeed now (len nil) returns 0 as it should. However, (len 'sym) still returns 1, and I have to ask why this is so and not an error the way all other non-nil/string atomic values are.


1 point by rocketnia 4959 days ago | link

Apparently Samuel Christie added it in order for Anarki's ppr.arc to work:

I don't like len!sym being 1 either. I think ppr.arc is the thing that should be fixed, perhaps by having it use its own spinoff of 'len. But I didn't try to fix that; I just did the minimal change needed to get len.nil to work properly again.

It's kinda funny... I just noticed that both of my len.nil fixes ( are currently living alongside each other, the older one just being dead code. :-p


1 point by akkartik 4958 days ago | link

Perhaps he just wanted dotted lists to count the final element. I fixed that without breaking len!sym.
