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Arcueid 0.0.7 released (
5 points by dido 4781 days ago | 1 comment

4 points by dido 4781 days ago | link

After a couple weeks of sometimes frustrating debugging, Arcueid 0.0.7 is finally released. For those of you just joining us, Arcueid is a C implementation of Arc. As the very low version number implies it is still very much in a pre-alpha state and there's a lot of work to be done on it before it gets to being usable enough to be a replacement for the standard MzScheme/PLT Scheme/Racket-based runtime.

New in this release:

* Directory and file system calls

* Threading and synchronization

* Networking

* Major bug fixes in the garbage collector

The functions provided I think now cover most all of the functionality provided by Arc 3's ac.scm, although there are still a number of bugs in certain areas that prevent it from running news.arc properly. Threading is provided by a very basic green thread scheduler, and atomic-invoke is implemented by means of a global communication channel.
