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2 points by typhon 4777 days ago | link | parent

I don't think we should be too worried about performance. The Arc forum has much less visits than HN, and much less activity.

2 points by kinleyd 4777 days ago | link

If performance is not a factor, then I would suggest that all threads remain permanently open to commenting. That way an inactive thread could become active and show up under the 'comments' tab, and be of use long after the original contributors have left it.


1 point by akkartik 4777 days ago | link

Guys, these are all great comments, but there are no signs that PG has even visited this forum in a long time, let alone made any changes to it. I want to set expectations.


1 point by typhon 4777 days ago | link

I know. Last time he posted was 470+ days ago. He probably would've said it if he had made any change.

So we are left with the following choices, if we want to improve the arc forum : bug pg for changes by sending him emails, or deciding as a community to move discussion about Arc somewhere else.


1 point by kinleyd 4777 days ago | link

What are the odds of getting pg's attention? We should do all we can to get it, and only if all else fails should we look into the option of moving elsewhere.

Should we file a petition with pg and rtm, and if we do, where would the best place be to present it? I figure something along these lines might be necessary.
