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1 point by lark 4655 days ago | link | parent

Thank you for the fix, that was fast!

I get in trouble when needing to update Anarki. Some patches like this one don't apply on the Anarki version I use and it seems only a brand new git clone gives the latest Anarki version. Which then requires I move around data, stuff in static, etc.

Is there a better way? How can I separate my app from the Anarki changes?

Can one run .arc programs from a directory that is different than the directory Anarki lives in?

1 point by akkartik 4655 days ago | link

A failing test makes everything easier!

You can run anarki from anywhere:

  $ racket -f $ARC/as.scm
If you aren't making many changes to the base arc it might also make sense to stay updated with anarki. You just have to do a git pull every now and then. Keep your app in new files; that'll ensure pulls don't cause conflicts.

In the short term if you send me your srv.arc I'll make the change for you. (email in profile)


1 point by lark 4654 days ago | link

Note that the latest Anarki reports the following after calling (asv):

  reference to undefined identifier: _ranked-stories*


1 point by akkartik 4653 days ago | link

Yes, anarki loads news.arc by default. You probably don't want to do that in your repo. Delete the line from libs.arc. Feel free to do that in anarki as well if it'll make your life easier.


1 point by lark 4652 days ago | link

It seems strange news.arc is included.


1 point by akkartik 4652 days ago | link

Yes the original distribution doesn't load it by default. But I found that many people come to arc wanting to see how HN runs and it seemed worth reducing one step for them.

On a more pragmatic level, I found I was repeatedly making changes and forgetting to test them with news.arc. Loading it by default was at least a superficial sanity check. But this isn't a big deal. Like I said, feel free to delete the load, commit and git push.
