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Is there something wrong with @ in Anarki?
1 point by lark 4654 days ago | 3 comments
Anarki reports an error Arc does not with the following source:

  (def resizepic (big small)                                                   
      (withs (s (+ "convert " big " -resize 480000@ " small))                 
       (system s)))

  (def main()
The error is:

  Error: "Bad object in expression #<eof>"
  Error: "reference to undefined identifier: _main"
Is there something wrong with @ in Anarki?

Update: Note that in whatever older version of Anarki it is that I'm using this error does not occur. The latest Anarki version reports this error though.

1 point by akkartik 4654 days ago | link

Are you trying to insert a literal '@'? You need to escape it as '@@'. I believe racket has some support for variable interpolation that is triggered by '@', and the 'eof' error is because it's trying to read a variable name after the @, but there's nothing but a space.


4 points by rocketnia 4652 days ago | link

For the record, this doesn't have anything to do with Racket. This is atstrings, a feature of Arc.

Atstrings is off by default in plain Arc 3.1, but it's activated by the line (declare 'atstrings t), and news.arc includes that line for its own purposes.


1 point by lark 4654 days ago | link

Escaping as '@@' worked, thanks.
