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1 point by kinleyd 4586 days ago | link | parent

Thanks Pauan. Regarding lib/re.arc, my take is that if Arc 3.1 does it by default, arc/nu should do the same to match Arc 3.1's out-of-the-box functionality, unless of course if you have specific reasons that justify not loading it up front.

1 point by Pauan 4586 days ago | link

Arc doesn't have regexps at all[1], that's a new addition in Arc/Nu, but a very useful one. I should check and see if Anarki loads regexps by default.


* [1]: Except with third-party libraries, of course.


2 points by kinleyd 4586 days ago | link

I hadn't tried regex support in Arc earlier so I just figured Arc 3.1 must have it. However, I checked and found that Anarki does have lib/re.arc loaded by default.


2 points by Pauan 4586 days ago | link

Ah, thanks, I'll have Arc/Nu load it too, then.
