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1 point by akkartik 4308 days ago | link | parent

Super useful, thanks. Yes, you correctly picked the code I was referring to :)

That issue with backslashes you're referring to, I've heard it called leaning toothpick syndrome.

2 points by rocketnia 4307 days ago | link

"Yes, you correctly picked the code I was referring to :) "

Which of my guesses was correct? :-p


"That issue with backslashes you're referring to, I've heard it called leaning toothpick syndrome."

Nice, I hadn't heard of that!

It might be worth pointing out that the LTS appearing in my examples is more pronounced than it needs to be. The usual escape sequence \\ for backslashes creates ridiculous results like \\\\\\\". If we use \- to escape \ we get the more reasonable \--" instead, and then we can see the nonuniform nesting problem without that other distraction:

  > eval( "eval( \"1 + 2\" )" )
  > eval( "eval( \"eval( \-"eval( \--"1 + 2\--" )\-" )\" )" )
Here's another time I talked about this:
