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Arc dies
3 points by lark 4122 days ago | 4 comments
Arc dies if you issue consistently multiple concurrent connections.

I ran the simplest workload test possible against Anarki. I also tried against Arc 3.1 with racket 5.2.1, with mzscheme 5.2.1, and with mzscheme 3.72. They all die.

The test program was:

  arc> (defop || req (pr "this is a simple test"))
  arc> (asv)
The workload test was:

  $ siege -c 20 -r 10
Running the siege command reports 0 failed transactions.

Running the siege command a second time reports lots of failed transactions.

Running the siege command a third time reports only failed transactions and zero successful ones.

Is anyone able to reproduce this?

2 points by akkartik 4122 days ago | link

Sorry about the delay, but yes I can reproduce this. Thanks for the detailed bug report!


3 points by akkartik 4122 days ago | link

It's because of gotcha #3: arc's abusive IP detection.

To disable this, redefine abusive-ip to do nothing, or delete the call to it in srv.arc. Or if you're just trying to do benchmarking you can disable it for requests from localhost.


3 points by akkartik 4122 days ago | link

I've modified anarki to warn when it throttles an IP.

Sorry this was confusing; hopefully it won't catch anyone else.


2 points by lark 4118 days ago | link

Thank you, that worked.
