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2 points by fallintothis 4067 days ago | link | parent

This is an interesting approach.

I'm using arc's type system here, but I'm not creating new datatypes or 'objects'.

And here my first thought was "we've come full-circle to object-orientation". :) I mean, inasmuch as OO amounts to type dispatch (number 3 in I guess).

Where variables of a user-defined datatype are created and used over potentially long lifetimes, the goal with these control-abstraction tags is to briefly wrap an underlying value in a navigation policy that the callee immediately takes off.

I totally get this, though (despite my comment above). In effect, it's like what a more OO language might do with iteration types: Python's generators, Ruby's Enumerator, Factor's virtual sequence protocol ( - honestly the most similar, because of the generic-based object system), Java's Iterable, etc.

The focus in those languages is on having a specific pattern in which iteration happens over an arbitrary sequence. Then you implement the "hooks" into this pattern in whatever specific way you need to. Which is really what's going on here, with the different walk implementations. It's just that walk is a bit coarser-grained than the others. In Python/Ruby/Java, you implement a specific method that just returns an object of a particular type---then that object implements an interface saying "hey, primitive iteration knows what to do with me". E.g.,

  Python 2.7.3 (default, Jan  2 2013, 16:53:07)
  [GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>> class c:
  ...     def __init__(self): pass
  ...     def __iter__(self): return (x for x in range(5))
  >>> for x in c(): print x
Factor's a bit different, and I think we might learn something from it. Like other CLOS-alikes, its object system isn't based on classes that own methods. So rather than returning a specific "iterable" object, the sequence iteration functions are written to use a handful of very specific methods: Then, any object that implements those methods works with map, reduce, each, and the whole gang:

There's a difference in granularity. In Factor, the required methods are more primitive than walk: just length and nth. Then map/each/etc. simply loop over integers, indexing into the sequences. So, where Arc would have some ad hoc thing like

  (def map (f seq)
    (if (isa seq 'string)
        (map-over-strings ...)
        (map-over-conses ...)))
Factor would be more like

  ; rely on (len seq) & (seq i) being well-defined

  (def map (f seq)
    (for i 0 (len seq)
      (let x (seq i)
With walk, you have to implement the whole iteration shebang---and even then it's only used in each right now, not the whole suite of sequence functions.

The obvious problem with Factor's exact approach as applied to Arc is Arc's reliance on linked lists. Each index access is O(n), which would turn any iteration (map, each, whatever) over a linked list into an O(n^2) affair. So just defining something like walk might ultimately be preferable; and you could still surely implement map/reduce/keep/etc. in terms of it. (Even the string versions could be reworked to walk over the string characters. And for the love of everything, do away with general functions that hard-code recursion on cdrs, like vanilla Arc's counts! I see Anarki's already done that, but still.)

That whole digression aside, I think the actual pattern you demonstrate here kind of gives me some warm fuzzies. With the realization that ontree & company are just higher-order functions like map at heart, it liberates us from writing a million names for the same actual operation. To keep harping on Factor (it's the most Lisp-like non-Lisp that I know...), the same thing happens, where instead of a reverse-each function, you just have

  IN: scratchpad { 1 2 3 } <reversed> [ . ] each
and instead of using some each-integer looping function (though that does exist, it's an implementation detail), you just have

  IN: scratchpad 5 iota [ . ] each
I'm liking this idea even more now, since I've realized that it has parallels with my feelings about the Scheme standard using <, char-ci<?, char<?, string-ci<?, and string<? instead of just <. It's just that lists vs trees was a more subtle distinction.

1 point by akkartik 4067 days ago | link

Thanks for the parallels with Factor! I love Factor too, though I'm less knowledgeable than you.

I'm going to keep an eye out for lower-level primitives to genericize.
