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2 points by rocketnia 3981 days ago | link | parent

Oops, I assumed Github's search would show me every occurrence in every file, like a recursive grep. No such luck, I guess. :-p So you got me.

While that's a reasonably useful default behavior for 'iso on tagged types, I'm not particularly happy to see it.

Arc provides very few helper utilities for working with tagged types--basically just the axioms 'annotate, 'type, and 'rep, plus 'isa and 'coerce--and the documented purpose of tagged types is for user-defined types. I came to Arc from a more OO-like background and saw this as a good way to control access to the implementation details of my types. Unless you explicitly called 'rep, you didn't get more coupling than you bargained for. This gave 'rep almost an "unsafe" reputation for me.

If 'iso gets to access the rep at will, then I may have been programming in Arc less robustly than I expected: Either each of my types should have come with an 'iso extension to reinforce my encapsulation, or I should have considered 'iso "unsafe" and used it less often. Not that I could have known this at the time! :)

But it's not a big deal. I do deep comparison operations sparingly enough as it is, and I don't know if my soft encapsulation technique actually matters because I rarely saw anyone else following similar guidelines. (I've rarely seen anyone using 'annotate at all, actually, and I think it's been a common complaint that 'annotate is basically 'cons with fewer utilities built up around it. That's a plus for me, I guess, lol.)

A good example of me considering an operation "unsafe" is earlier in this thread, where I discouraged the use of compound values as table keys. It just so happens Arc's table key comparison breaks the encapsulation of tagged types as well. :)