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(= tem!key 1) sets tem!key to 1 but returns nil
2 points by bh 3688 days ago | 1 comment
I create a template,

    arc> (deftem test
           x nil)
    ((x #<procedure: g1748>))
initialize one, and set one of its fields (I don't know what they're called) to 1 using =

    arc> (let y (inst 'test)
           (= y!x 1))
but this returns nil. y!x has been set to 1

    arc> (let y (inst 'test)
           (= y!x 1)
though. Is this a bug or what am I not getting?

2 points by akkartik 3688 days ago | link

Yeah, that's a bug on my part in anarki. Thanks for the report!

Edit 10 minutes later: now fixed: Thanks again.
