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2 points by c-a-smallwood 3653 days ago | link | parent

In truth, it's been about 5-6 years since I've collaborated on anyone's code that isn't my own. I'd love to submit a pull request :) I'm installing Racket & Anarki on this windows machine this morning to see about getting a working version. Do you think "deftype" would be ok for the macro name? Any other suggestions? Maybe something in the spirit of original Arc, like "pred" for predicate or something?

2 points by akkartik 3653 days ago | link

I think you're in the best position to judge :) Maybe play with a little example program and see what looks best in its context? If it doesn't seem to matter just pick one. We can always change it later.

I have to admit, I'm not sure how long it's been since somebody tried installing anarki on windows. Let me know when you run into problems. I'm actually amazed that I was able to get mtl running on linux so easily. Are you using cygwin?


2 points by c-a-smallwood 3653 days ago | link

No, I can't stand Cygwin. I actually wrote the original 1200 lines of the interpreter on Fedora. My goal was to try to keep it completely portable C code. As of right now, on my machine, I create a Win32 Console app in Visual Studio to compile MTL on Windows, and it works just fine. Initially I had some segfaults, but it was mainly due to the lack of exception checks and null checks... So as far as I can tell, it's pretty much cross platform at the moment.

In the few minutes I've used anarki, it seems to work just fine :) I just run it in the command-line Racket app by running:

  (load "C:/anarki/boot.scm")
