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Arc-nu Ctrl-c exits the repl
4 points by Oscar-Belletti 3077 days ago | 2 comments
On the arc-nu readme is written:

    Ctrl+C aborts the current computation but doesn't exit the REPL:
But when I try to press Ctrl-c in the repl (with a computation) I get:

    > (while t t)
    ^Cuser break
       /home/oscar/Workspace/arc-nu/repl: [running body]
    ...pace/arc-nu/repl:61:6: arity mismatch;
     the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
      expected: 0
      given: 1
       /home/oscar/Workspace/arc-nu/repl: [running body]
If I press Ctrl-c when no computation is carried on I get:

    > user break
       /usr/share/racket/pkgs/readline-lib/readline/pread.rkt:230:0: read-cmdline-syntax
    ...pace/arc-nu/repl:61:6: arity mismatch;
     the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
      expected: 0
      given: 1
And in both cases, it exits to the terminal.

4 points by Pauan 3070 days ago | link

You're right: there was a minor typo in the repl code. Thanks for letting me know.

I just now fixed it and pushed the changes to GitHub. You should be able to "git pull" and then it will work.


3 points by Oscar-Belletti 3070 days ago | link

It works now.
