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2 points by aw 2232 days ago | link | parent

> You've got me curious now about how this relates to Amacx :)

Why, everything! :-) E.g. I start with: what if top level variables were implemented by an Arc table, and top level variable references were implemented by an Arc macro? That is, what if top level variables were built out of lower level language axioms, instead of being built in?

We end up with something that's kind of like modules, but doesn't do everything that we'd typically expect modules to do (though perhaps we could implement modules on top of them if we wanted to), and also does some things that modules don't do (for example we can load code into a different environment where the language primitive act differently).

To give a name to this thing that is kind of like modules but different, I called them "containers", because they're something you load code into.

Are containers useful? Well, I'm guessing it would depend on whether we'd ever want to want load code into different environments in our program. If we only want to load code once, and all we want is a module system, I imagine it'd probably be more straightforward to just implement a module system directly.

On the other hand, suppose we have a runtime that gives us some nifty features, but is slower than plain Arc. Now it seems like containers could turn out to be a useful idea. Perhaps I have some code that I want to load in plain Arc where it'll run fast, and other code that I want to run in the enhanced runtime and I don't mind that it's slower.

> I find that having tests allows me to start out in a sort of engineering mindset, in your terms, where I just get individual cases working one by one. But at the same time they keep me from growing too attached to a single implementation and leave me loose to try to think up more axiomatic generalizations over time.


This is the classic test driven development refactoring cycle: add features with tests, then refactor e.g. to remove duplicate code, and/or otherwise refactor to make the code more axiomatic.

Since "Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp", one could, in theory, start with such a C or Fortran program and refactor towards an axiomatic approach until you had reinvented Lisp, with the program written in Lisp :-)

But in practice I think going the other way is sometimes necessary: that is, starting with some axioms, and seeing what can be implemented out of them.

I'm not sure why that is (why doesn't anyone keep refactoring a large C program and end up with Lisp?) but I suppose it might be because it's too cognitively difficult, or you end up at some kind of local maximum in your design, or something.

In any case, I find tests absolutely essential for working on Amacx... not just "nice to have" or "saves me a lot of time", but "impossible to do without them"!