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3 points by rain1 2215 days ago | link | parent

It would be nice if it the way it prints out is the same as the way it is written

  arc> (= user '{name "John Doe" age 23 id 73881})
  {(age . 23) (id . 73881) (name . "John Doe")}

  arc> (= user '#{name "John Doe" age 23 id 73881})
  #{(age . 23) (id . 73881) (name . "John Doe")}

  arc> #{foo "bar"}
gives a syntax error. extra brackets like [] and {} may be used in macros as special syntax.

2 points by rain1 2215 days ago | link

update: having it self evaluate (or evaluate to a hashtable with quoted keys and non-quoted values maybe) instead of a syntax error seems like a better choice
