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Meta Forum Questions
6 points by eds 6220 days ago | 9 comments
Ok, I know this isn't very important and it doesn't really have much to do with Arc, but it has been bugging me for a while and I can't find any information on it.

How do posts/comments get voted down? Not that I want to detract from anyone's post, but I've noticed that some posts have negative points, and I figured the only way that can happen is if there is a vote down feature. And I can't find any help on this site that describes how the voting system works.

Any insights would be appreciated.

9 points by pg 6220 days ago | link

Downarrows appear once you have karma points over a certain threshold. I think it's set at 20.


5 points by ryantmulligan 6220 days ago | link

I have another meta question. When you post an external link in the title of a submission it makes it hard to get to the comment thread. Any chance of a link to the comments in the description of the RSS item?


2 points by sacado 6220 days ago | link

Yep, I'm ok with you on this one too. Particularly annoying when you open a new tab in Firefox to read the thread later, but get redirected to another site...


2 points by eds 6216 days ago | link

Could anyone tell me what the showdead, noprocrast, maxvisit, and minaway fields are for in my profile? Just wondering. Thanks.


4 points by aston 6216 days ago | link

noprocrast mode is supposed to keep you from procrastinating by using the forum. It's probably not so useful here, but it's a carryover from news.yc.

If you turn it on, maxvisit is the maximum session length here. minaway is the minimum time away from the site before you can start a new session. The site'll catch you breaking the rules, but you can continue despite its warning not to.


1 point by sacado 6220 days ago | link

I voted you up to let you reach the karma of 20... Now, you can vote me down :) (and thanks for asking, I was wondering too)


2 points by eds 6219 days ago | link

For some reason I only see the down arrow on some of the posts... again not sure exactly how the internal mechanism for that works.

Thanks. (Not that I intend to vote anyone down :)

Update: Looking through some of the other threads, it seems that I can't vote down on comments older than a certain age. (Offhand I would guess this was when I got the 20th point of karma.) So I guess it does kind of make sense.


1 point by eds 6217 days ago | link

Actually, it seems that I just can't vote down on any comment older than 24 hours. Even it is related to when I got the karma, it is also limited by the age of the post as well. Not that it really matters, just thought I'd post what I see.

And again, if anyone could post what is actually going on here, I wouldn't have to make guesses.


2 points by sacado 6217 days ago | link

Yes, it IS related to when you got enough karma.
