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2 points by vrk 6220 days ago | link | parent

For reference, here's how you can do it in Perl 5:

The ith item of s:

The ith item of s from the end:

The first x items of s:

  @s[0 .. x-1]
The last x items of s:

  @s[-x .. -1]
The items from position i to the end:

  @s[i .. $#s]
The items from position i to position j (exclusive):

  @s[i .. j-1]
i items beginning at position j:

  @s[j .. j+i]
The items from position i to the end minus the last j items:

  @s[i .. $#s-j]
  # Alternative:
  (@s[i .. $#s])[0 .. j-1]
i items beginning at the jth position from the end:

  @s[-j .. -j-i]
  # Alternative:
  (@s[-j .. -1])[0 .. i-1]

  $s[i]  # A scalar at index i
  @s[<something complex>]  # An array slice (i.e. multiple values)
  $#s  # The last index of the array s
  a .. b  # In list context, a list of numbers or letters from a to b, inclusive (can be used outside array indexing)